I'll betcha your seat support looks like this one here. It is the support used on all Model B's from the very first one up to the middle of 1947 when they changed to the upholstered seat at serial number 201000
You can get a brand NEW spring at Davenport Tractor. Their new spring is made to the same exacting specifications as the original. However, they are able to sell theirs for less than half the price of the original, thanks to a enterprising two-cylinder club.
This spring is made in the U.S.A. and it replaces the A618R from John Deere.
It fits many of the earlier tractors with the "pan" seat, that is, the A, AO, AR, BI, BO, BR, B, BO, Lindeman, G, and H.
If you click the link below, I'll show you the other parts we have reviewed at Davenport Tractor.