Hi, my name is Meli...
Let me help you with Facebook. If you have already joined, and you have signed out and you have no idea how to get back again, just type this address into your address line "http://www.facebook.com". You will be presented with this page:
If you have previously joined, once you fill in your email and password on the upper right, you'll find yourself on your "news feed" page. If you were still signed in when you typed in the Facebook address, you will automatically be sent to your "news feed" page, or perhaps to the page you were on when you last left Facebook. Of course, if you have NEVER joined, you will need to fill out that entire block of information to get yourself signed up.
Whenever you are signed in to Facebook you will see this bar at the top of the page:
Clicking on the word "facebook" or the word "Home" will always bring you back to your "news feed" page. Clicking on the word "Account" will drop down a menu of options, including "sign out". Clicking on the word "Profile" will bring you to your own "wall". The previously mentioned bar will still be at the top of the page, but below it will be your profile picture, your name, and a set of tabs similar to this:
The "Wall" tab is your personal homepage. This is where everything that YOU write, or anything you join or update, will be recorded. The things that you do, AND the things that your "friends" do, will ALL show up on your "news feed" page. That's the difference between "Home" and "Wall". The "Info" tab is where you can post any personal information that you wish to share. The "Photos" tab is where you can post pictures... Etc.